100 Days of Code


This Dashboard

This is day 0. I built this dashboard to showcase the upcoming projects in this challenge

DAY 01

Location Weather Info App

I've built a Weather Location Info App which detects a users location and displays weather along with icon

DAY 02

Form with Progress Bar

I've built a form in which a proress bar fill up as the user enters valid values in form fields

DAY 03

The Superhero Store

I've built a web page which contains a carousel of Super Heroes and on clicking anyone of them, the details are shown

DAY 04

Guess the Superhero

I've built a web page which contains an Accordion of Super Heroe eyes and on clicking anyone of them, the accordion is expanded

DAY 05

Quiz Time

I've built a Quiz Application using the Open Trivia Database APIs, vanillaJS and HTML, CSS

DAY 06

Travel Timeline

I've built an HTML Page to display a travel timeline like UI using the AOS (Animation on Scroll) library

DAY 07

Popup Chat Window

I've built a Popup Chat window using HTML, CSS and Javascript and used pure CSS based animations.

DAY 08

Tic Tac Toe

I've built a Tic Tac Toe Game using HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS. The game uses brute-force winning combinations matcing.

DAY 09


I've built a webpage to search and display GIFs fetched using the GIFy API

DAY 10


I've built a webpage using Three.JS and WebGL APIs available in the browser. This was a quite chaalenging task

DAY 11

Static Server

I've built a Static server to host files using Node.JS

DAY 12

Email Notification System

I've built a Email Notification/Sending server. Fill up a form and hit send. This will send an email using Node.JS

DAY 13

Chat App

I've built a chat application using socket.io and bootstrap. This chat application utilizes event emission and reception

DAY 14

Users API

I've built a Users API using Mongoose and MongoDB with Node.JS and express.

DAY 15

Product List using Shopify

I've built a Products List page using the Shopify API.

DAY 16

Web Scraping Commodity Prices

I've built a web scraper that scrapes the prices of commodities

DAY 17

Voice Changer

I've built a voice changer using Pizzicato, HTMl and CSS

DAY 18

Text Detection

I've built an API using Node.JS and Google Clound Vision API to detect text in images

DAY 19

Alexa Skill

I've developed an Alexa skill using Amazon Alexa Skills Kit and ExpressJS

DAY 20

Where should you Travel Next

I've developed a fake flight ticket generator using aviation stack API

DAY 22

GraphQL Server

I've developed GraphQL server using expressJS

DAY 23

Serverless Function

No coding today. Just learnt about the serverless framework and pushed a starter project

DAY 24

WebRTC Video Call

Implemented a WebRTC based video streaming application using Node.JS

DAY 25

PDF Generator

Implemented a PDF Generator using PDF Kit

DAY 26

Google Assistant on RPi

Installed Google Assistant on Raspberry Pi

DAY 27

REST API for Kaggle Data

Parsed CSV data from Kaggle and create a REST API around it

DAY 28

Uploader using Uppy

Built a file uploader using Uppy

DAY 29

JWT Based Authentication

Built JWT based authentication API using Passport.js

DAY 30

Command Line Crypto Currency Trading BOT

Built command line based crypto currency trading bot structure. Need to integrate an algorith to make it efficient and trading ready

DAY 31

Block Chain Theory

Not much of coding stuff today. Just read about the Blockchain technology and it cleared a lot of misconceptions that I had in my mind

DAY 32

Brand Logos using only CSS

Re-created some brand logos using CSS only.

DAY 33

AWS Lambda Theory

Learnt about AWS Lambda and it's features. Created a basic handler in Node.JS

DAY 34

Mocha JS Theory

Learnt about Mocha JS and how to write test cases using Mocha.JS. Also read about the importance of Test Driven Development

DAY 35

Excel/CSV Processor

Built a route in my nodeJS application which accepts a CSV file and processes it to remove all the duplicate rows.

DAY 36

Slack Notifier

Built a route in my Node.JS app that sends a text notification to a user using twilio whenever the user receives a message on slack

DAY 37

Facebook Messenger BOT

Setup a facebook messenger bot that replies automatically when a user sends a message to a page.

DAY 38

Live Scratchpad

Build a live scratch pad using socket.io

DAY 39

Setup Cezerin

Setup cezerin and deploy on heroku

DAY 40

Stripe Demo

Setup a test application that processes payments using Stripe

DAY 41

Open Banking APIs

Learn about available open banking APIs and implement a test flow.

DAY 42

Swagger UI

Learn about Swagger UI and it's integration with Node.JS

DAY 43

Heroku Deployment


DAY 44

Article Viewer

Created a React Application to view News Articles

DAY 45

CSS Animation

Created a simple CSS Animation and animated my name along with randomly changing the background gradient

DAY 46

Admin Panel

Created a mock Admin Panel using Material UI and React.

DAY 47


Learnt about a whole new application structure. Setup a MERN app with both client and server in a single project.

DAY 48

CSS Animation (Mandala)

Created a spinning CSS animation.

DAY 49

Hamburger Menu Animation

Created an icon for hamburger menu that animates on click

DAY 50

Day Night Animation

Created a Day Night animation using CSS only.

DAY 51

Ripple Animation

Created a Ripple animation using CSS only.

DAY 52


Created a Graph using CSS only.

DAY 53

Profile Card

Created a Profile Card.

DAY 54

Notification Panel and Search

Created Notification Panel with Search and Drawer

DAY 55


DAY 56

Weather Card

DAY 57

Smartwatch Face

DAY 58

Walking Shoes

DAY 59


DAY 60


DAY 61


DAY 62


DAY 63

Sunny Day

DAY 64

Ellipses Animation

DAY 65

Sparkle Checkbox

DAY 66


DAY 67


DAY 68


DAY 69

Calendar Days

DAY 70

Morse Code Keyboard

DAY 71

The Rings

DAY 72


DAY 73


DAY 74

Spinning Discs

DAY 75


DAY 76

Motion Blur

DAY 77

Hover Shadow

DAY 78

Dancing Lines

DAY 79


DAY 80

Twisted Pyramid

DAY 81


DAY 82

Warp Drive

DAY 83

Book Cover

DAY 84


DAY 85

Newton's Cradle

DAY 86


DAY 87


DAY 88

Animated Pattern

DAY 89


DAY 90


DAY 91

Dancing Points

DAY 92


DAY 93


DAY 94


DAY 95

Jumping Square

DAY 96


DAY 97

Icon Animation

DAY 98


DAY 99


DAY 100